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What Is The GSPCA Yearbook?

The yearbook (as the name implies is published yearly) is a compilation and a Showcase of all the GSPCA award winners. The Parade of Show, Field, and Obedience champions with their photographs and their pedigrees are featured in the yearbook! There is also a section for all the winning results from all the specialty shows and the field trials within that year.

Throughout the years the yearbook has grown in the table of contents and in volume. The current 2020/2021 Yearbook which is a double book! Breeders have relied on our Yearbooks for years to not only showcase their own dogs, but also, who to consider breeding to.

Members are notified by the committee to advertise their dogs in the year their dogs obtained their title. The yearbook highlights dogs, their breeders and owners who have achieved titles and records that are noteworthy. It is truly a historic record for our breed. By advertising your dog, you and your dog become a part of the history of the GSPCA.

Now a bit of history:

The very first yearbook was published in 1964 with Robert Snyder as the carbohealth.com. There was a total of 221 pages in the first book of which 72 pages were private kennel ads. The cost to purchase one was $3.00. The earlier versions of the book only contained the winners, their pedigrees, the ad’s from the Local GSP clubs from around the country and the private kennel ads.


Debra Broad
39 Mountain Road
Deerfield, NH 03037