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Registry Of Merit

The combined Registry of Merit program is up and running. There will no longer be multiple ROM programs. All previous Registry of Merit awardees will not be affected by the new changes. > HOW TO APPLY

Latest Awards: Summer 2023

How to Apply:

Please fill out a PDF application and submit with proof of AKC titles for the get used to calculate the points. Proof will be an AKC progeny report or a photocopy of each AKC title used to calculate the points.

After the application has been submitted and reviewed, an awards certificate will be sent to the owner and the awardee will be printed along with their get in the GSPCA Journal.

Point System:
ROM Total of 12 pts earned by  a minimum of 5 titled get Total of 8 pts earned by a minimum of 3 titled get
ROMX Total of 30 pts earned by a minimum of 10 titled get Total of 12 pts earned by a minimum of 6 titled get
ROMXX Total of 60 pts earned by a minimum of 20 titled get
Points for this level must come from minimum of  2 venues-one venue must be conformation and one venue must be hunting (FC/AFC/MH)
Total of 20 pts earned by a minimum of 8 titled get
Points for this level must come from minimum of 2 venues-one venue must be conformation and one venue must be hunting (FC/AFC/MH)

Point Schedule – all points are cumulative. For example, the Dual Champion is worth 4 pts (i.e. 1 pt for CH, 2 pts for FC, plus 1 pt DC)

Activity/Title Points
AKC Champion 1
AKC Grand Champion Platinum 1
National Specialty Champion (NSC) 1
Field Champion 2
Amateur Field Champion 2
Dual Champion 1
National Field Champion (NFC) 1
Master Hunter 2
Performance* 2

Performance titles are as follows:

  • Obedience – CDX or higher (only get 2 pts per get no matter how many advanced titles)
  • Agility – OA, OAJ,OAP, OJP (must have one standard and one jumper title both at open or above) no matter how many advanced titles, only 2 pts per get are allowed
  • Rally – RAE and RM (only get 2 pts per get no matter how many advanced titles)

The applications can be mailed to:

Renee Lara, DVM
824 E. Villa Maria Rd
Bryan, TX 77802

ROM Committee:

Dr. Renee Lara, DVM Chair

Yvonne Deterding
Jami Meath
Brenda Roe
Judy Zeigler