Shorthair Journal
he Shorthair Journal is a print magazine that is published 6 times a year for all the members of the German Shorthaired Pointer club of America. It is a professionally produced magazine, which averages approximately 50+ pages per issue.
The Shorthair Journal is an interesting mix of articles on Health & Welfare of GSPs, training tips on our versatile breed, club events as well as advertising. It can connect you to local and regional GSP Clubs, breeders, officers and committee members as well as to other members. Additionally it includes schedules of Field Trial events, Specialty Conformation Shows and information of interest to our 1,500 members.
GSPCA members will have each issue mailed to the address provided on their membership application. As a bonus, each issue of the Shorthair Journal will be emailed to 350 AKC GSP breed judges. If reaching this client group is an integral part of your show plans; and you want to “thank” those judges who have rewarded your GSP with placements and points – the Shorthair Journal gives you the most “Bang For Your Advertising Buck” when compared to other print media.

The Shorthair Journal is now available online in our Members-Only section! Log in to view.
Publication Schedule
Issue | Ad Deadline |
Jan/Feb National Field Trial | January 10 |
March/April Stud Dogs & Veterans | March 10 |
May/June NAGDC, Duals & Water Work | May 10 |
July/August National Specialty Show | July 10 |
Sept/Oct Juniors (all venues) & Companion | September 10 |
Nov/Dec Breeders Showcase | November 10 |
Production Editor:
Bonnie Smith Hill
PO Box 2084
Tarpon Springs, FL 34688
Mobile: 215-378-0203
Magazine Chair:
Position Open ⇒ DETAILS
Contributor: Liz Jennings
New Title Document Coordinator: Karen Josephsen
New Member List Coordinator: Denise Avery
Back Issues Fulfillment Coordinator: