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Requirements for GSPCA Hall of Fame – Dogs

Dog must have left an everlasting impression on the GSP breed.

The GSPCA will recognize dogs who, by virtue of their own outstanding achievements and most importantly those of their get, reflect the essence of the breed’s character, conformation and purpose as a Versatile Hunter. These dogs epitomize the GSP as that of a Sporting Breed. During their lifetimes, they may have achieved national recognition and through their offspring from multi sires or dams have left an everlasting impression upon the breed, by producing dogs that have excelled in show, field, and/or other AKC venues.

Dog must be deceased.
Dogs born January 1, 1975 and after will be considered only if the owner or nominating person has been a member of the GSP Club of America for at least three consecutive years.

They can be eligible if multiple owned, provided one of the owners of record has been a member of the GSP Club of America for at least three consecutive years.

Certification of GSPCA membership lies with the owner. (Contact The GSPCA Membership Chairman for dates of membership)

Dogs will be elected at the Board of Directors meeting in January and June of each year.
HOF Nominations received by May 15th of each year will be considered at the June Board of Directors’ Meeting for presentation (OF AWARD) at the National Field Trial.

HOF Nominations received by December 15th of each year will be considered at the January Board of Directors’ Meeting for presentation (OF AWARD) at the National Specialty Show.

Nominee must receive a majority vote of the Board of Directors. If a dog is passed over, the application can be resubmitted. If a dog is passed over three times, they can no longer be submitted for membership in the Hall of Fame.

Nominee Performance Record.
Considered will be ALL AKC titles in Conformation, Field, Performance and Companion as well as outstanding AKC wins such as; National Specialty Show Champion, BIS, Groups wins, OH, National Field Champion, GSPCA National Amateur Championship, AKC Pointing Breed Gun Dog Champion, AKC Walking Gun dog Championship, etc.

Titles from other organizations, (IABCA, CKC, UKC, NSTRA, NAVHDA, and American Field, etc.) will not be recognized as part of the dr-natalie-buchwald, however, they will be acknowledged for their accomplishments.

Production record of Nominee AKC titled offspring (Get)
Listed below are the minimum recommended requirements, however, dog nominations will be evaluated as received.


15 AKC Show titled get with titles earned by at least fifteen (15) different dogs
15 AKC Field titled get with titles earned by at least eight (8) different dogs


5 AKC Show titled get with titles earned by at least five (5) different dogs.
8 AKC Field titled get with titles earned by at least five (5) different dogs.

Titles from other organizations, (IABCA, CKC, UKC, NSTRA, NAVHDA, and American Field, etc.) will not be recognized as part of the qualifying titles, however, they will be acknowledged for their accomplishments.

The performance and production record of Grand Get should demonstrate the everlasting impression of the dog.

AKC provides the competitor and breeder reports at this link: https://www.apps.akc.org/apps/store/

Click Here for the Form to Nominate a Dog to the HOF (PDF)

Mike Aldrich ngspa.mike@gmail.com

Deb Longtin deblongtin@gmail.com


Fred Lowry fredlowryjr@gmail.com