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2020 National Field Championships

All Age

Ken Chenoweth
John Rabidou

Place Dog Name Call Name Gender Owner Handler/Agent
1 FC H’s AM Cruiser Cruiser M Harlan Higginbotham & Chase Verdoorn Chase Verdoorn
2 FC Snowy River’s White Out Willy M Chase & Mark Verdoorn Chase Verdoorn
3 Cuttin Wilds Rebel Yell Rebel M Mike Patrick Josh Nieman
4 4 BDK’s Twelth Man Aggie M David O’Brien Keith Gulledge
JAM Outbak’s Rough Cut Diamond F Adam Burch Rich Barber

Running Order

Brace Dog Full Name Call Name Gender Owner Handler/Agent
1 A FC Texas Tuff Tuff M Terry Bomer Keith Gulledge
B Evergreens Jed Clampet Jed M Lance Olsen Dan DiMambro
2 A FC Dunfur’s Livin On A Prayer Rhodey M Mark Lund Dan Hoke
B FC N-Country’s Hurricane Janie Janie F Robert Reynolds DVM Chris Goegan
3 A FC WFK Stephen’s Dakota Dakota F Robert Todd Stephens Dave Walker
B 4 BDK’s Twelth Man Aggie M David O’Brien Keith Gulledge
4 A FC Lambourn’s Slick Shot Buckshot M Robin Lambourn Josh Nieman
B HighStanding Cuttin Edge Woody M Dayna & Anthony Rusciano Dan DiMambro
5 A MSR’s Storm’s End Renly M Sarah & James Messer James Messer
B BDK’s Gold Mine Claim Jumper Bandit M David O’Brien Keith Gulledge
6 A NGDC/GFC/FC/AFC Riden High Rudy Rudy M Raymond Nelson Dan DiMambro
B FC MSR Charles Little Angel Addison F Charles Gonzalez Chris Goegan
7 A FC/AFC Lone Creek Wildfires Little Bell Bell F Dr Kirk & Larry Loftin Larry Loftin
B Snowy River’s Top Gun Maverick Maverick M Greg Hellbusch Dan DiMambro
8 A Armbrusts On Point Oles Sir Bandit Bandit M Jim Ryan Art Armbrust
B BDK’s Pacific Jilly Bean Jill F Jack Richbourg Dan Hoke
9 A FC BMB’s Samsquanch Sam M Brandon & Jennifer Blum Brandon Blum
B JAM Outbak’s Rough Cut Diamond F Adam Burch Rich Barber
10 A FC Slaterock’s Mountain Heart Rommel M James Dynkiewicz Dan DiMambro
B Lambourn’s Surface To Air Missile Sam M Robin Lambourn Josh Nieman
11 A FC BMB’s Free Loader Hewey M Brandon & Jennifer Blum Brandon Blum
B 2 FC Snowy River’s White Out Willy M Chase & Mark Verdoorn Chase Verdoorn
12 A FC Outbak’s Let It Ride Rider M Linnea Hadlock Rich Barber
B Dunfur’s Full Nelson Nell F Irene, Mike & Cal Palmer Dan Hoke
13 A GFC/GAFC Llano’s Hot Tamale Molly F Chad & Joe Inderman Josh Nieman
B NFC/FC Rivreside Farm’s No Sleep Til Brook Lynn Brooke F Charles Edward Lane II Dan DiMambro
14 A MDK’s Lil Mighty Mite Macy F Mike Kuzeppa Chase Verdoorn
B Sarah’s Too Cool Jewels Jewels F Jeff Yuna & James Messer James Messer
15 A Rumel’s Augie Doggie Augie M Jim Yates, Frank Mucci & Rocklyn Turano Dan DiMambro
B BMB’s Free Rein Senna M Brandon Blum Brandon Blum
16 A 3 Cuttin Wilds Rebel Yell Rebel M Mike Patrick Josh Nieman
B FC/AFC Bully Creek Buckaroo Buck M Scott Harrison Dan Hoke
17 A The Kansas Wind Mariah F Ken Sanderson George Newcombe
B NFC/FC MSR Quail Commando’s Bunker Buster Buster M Harvey Franco Harvey Franco
18 A FC Chicoree’s Country Fan Fanny F Fred Ryan Dan DiMambro
B FC BMB’s Free Ride Lewey M Brandon & Jennifer Blum Brandon Blum
19 A GFC/FC Llano’s Snowbird Feather F Chad & Joe Inderman Josh Nieman
B FC Jokes On You Buddy M Steve Erickson Chris Goegan
20 A Nitro Dunn Sky Riden Nitro M Ryan Cabrera Dan DiMambro
B MSR Motorollin Moto F Sarah & James Messer James Messer
21 A FC High Roll-N’s Crap Shoot Shooter M Nelson Mills Dave Walker
B Hi-Tailyn’s Talented Texan Tex M Keith Bryant Josh Nieman
22 A Teton’s One Slick Dude Slick M Donald W Lee Dan Dimambro
B All N’s Double Down Dooby F Joe & LaCindy Orndorff Joe Orndorff
23 A FC Chicoree’s Elvis A Airing Felty Elvis M Lance Stephen Felty Chris Goegan
B BDK’s Dirty Harry Harry M Mark Wasserman Keith Gulledge
24 A 1 FC H’s AM Cruiser Cruiser M Harlan Higginbotham & Chase Verdoorn Chase Verdoorn
B Rock Rivers U Can’t Handle It Dually M Richard Heller Dan DiMambro
25 A FC MSR’s Jades Wild Card Jade F Ted Meyer Chris Goegan