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National Show Futurity

The Show Futurity is a non-regular competition whereby the breeder nominates a litter within 8 weeks of whelping, and enters the get from that litter to compete with the other futurity nominated litters at the National Specialty Show. The idea is these dogs will represent that breeders best efforts in researching and planning their highest quality litter for that year, based upon their knowledge, understanding and confidence of the genetic potential of the proposed breeding

The Futurity class event is held in conjunction with the National Specialty Show in the spring of each year. Owners and co-owners (if applicable) must be members of the GSPCA. The futurity classes are judged just like any regular class at an AKC dog show. While there is ultimately a Best in Futurity and a Best of Opposite in Futurity, these wins are prestigious only and no conformation points are awarded.





Official Rules (revised 09/2015)

The GSPCA National Show Futurity will be held each year in conjunction with the GSPCA National Specialty Show.

2025 Puppies whelped between October 1, 2023 and September 30, 2024 will be eligible for the 2025 Futurity

2026 Puppies whelped between October 1, 2024 and September 30, 2025 will be eligible for the 2026 Futurity

All breeders and co-breeders of litters nominated for the Show Futurity must be members of the GSPCA at the time of Nomination*

All owners and co-owners of individual dogs or bitches that compete in the Show Futurity must be members of the GSPCA BEFORE FEB 28* which means applications have been approved by the Board AND a membership number has been issued.

Second Forfeits will NOT be accepted without a current GSPCA membership number. If the ownership changes prior to the Futurity, the dog will remain eligible provided all new owners/co-owners are members or applies for membership to the GSPCA. The Futurity Chairman must be notified within 10 days of any changes of ownership.

Regarding GSPCA Membership:

Please note that submitting an application does not mean automatic GSPCA membership. There is an approval period for all new GSPCA membership applications. “Pending” does not constitute Membership! Get your application in by Jan 1 to ensure it’s approved before Feb 28th!

Bitches must be nominated within 56 days (8 weeks) of whelping, and a fee of $25 must accompany the nomination. Any nominations postmarked or finalized online later than 56 days from whelping will be considered late. Litters may be nominated after the 56th day but not later than 112 days (16 weeks), with an additional $50 penalty payment ($75 total). Litters may be nominated after 112 days (16 weeks), with an additional $200 penalty payment ($225 total). No nomination will be accepted if postmarked or finalized online later than 143 days (20 weeks) after whelping.
Senior Class:
For dogs whelped on or after October 1 through January 31. Dogs and bitches will be judged separately.
Intermediate Class:
For dogs whelped on or after February 1 through May 31. Dogs and bitches will be judged separately.
Junior Class:
For dogs whelped on or after June 1 through September 30. Dogs and bitches will be judged separately.
Payment Of Forfeits:

Three forfeits must be paid as follows:

  1. First Forfeit of $20 must be postmarked or finalized online by December 31;
  2. Second Forfeit of $20 must be postmarked or finalized onlineby February 28 (29);
  3. Third Forfeit of $20 (to count as entry fee) must be received at the Superintendent’s office by the closing date of the National

Any forfeits, with the exception of the third forfeit, will be accepted if postmarked or finalized online up to 21 days late and accompanied by a penalty payment of an additional $20 per pup. Late forfeits postmarked or finalized online after the 21st day, or forfeits without proper payments, will be returned and/or deemed ineligible. All forfeits will become the property of the GSPCA Futurity and are non-refundable. All payments must be U.S. Funds. U.S. Funds drawn on Foreign Banks must include an additional $5 processing fee per check. (per check mailed)

Futurity Timeline:
Item Deadline Fee Days Late / Fee
Litter Nomination 56 Days (8 weeks) After Whelping Date $25

56-112 Days Late
Add $50

113-143 Days Late
Add $200
NO Nominations Accepted 144 Days or Later
First Forfeit December 31 $20 per pup Up to 21 Days Late
Add $20 per pup
Second Forfeit February 28 $20 per pup Up to 21 Days Late
Add $20 per pup
Final Forfeit
(Show Entry)
Show Entry Deadline $20 per pup

An email acknowledgement with your Futurity Litter Number will be sent to the breeder upon nomination of the litter. After the Futurity Litter Number has been received by the Breeder, First Forfeits can be made. First and Second Forfeit Forms are downloadable on the GSPCA website or payments can be made online. Please refer to the timelines above to be sure you have submitted your forfeits in a timely manner either by mail or online.  First Forfeits are paid just as a quantity of pups multiplied by the fee. Second Forfeits require a card for EACH pup moving forward in the Futurity. Forfeit cards must be completed in full. Entries are compared to the Second Forfeit Card, be sure all information is correct. Any deviations can result in pups being deemed ineligible.

Division Of Prize Money:

Actual Futurity expenses will be deducted from Futurity money. The balance remaining will be divided as follows:

  1. The Best of Futurity and Best of Opposite will receive 12.5% of the funds, which will be further divided 50% to the owner and 40% to the breeder
  2. The winner of each class will receive up to $300 or the total of the funds available for that class if the funds are less than $300.
  3. If the funds available for each class are more than $600, the winner will receive at least $300 of those funds available, according to the following allocation:  1st Place = 50%    2nd Place = 25%    3rd Place = 15%   4th Place = 10%
  4. If the funds available for each class allow for the winner to receive $300, but are less than $600, the allocation of the funds for placements 2 through 4 would be as follows:
    2nd Place = 50% of the remaining funds
    3rd Place = 32% of the remaining funds
    4th Place = 18% of the remaining funds
  5. All funds for each class will be further divided 60% to the owner and 40% to the breeder.
*Overnight mail, UPS or FedEx envelopes MUST be sent with “NO SIGNATURE REQUIRED”. Items requiring signatures will be returned.
***Futurity acknowledgements/receipts requested by snail mail must include a self- addressed, postage paid envelope.

Holly Faught
32022 Dove Trail
Whitney, TX 76692


For puppies whelped
BEFORE SEPT 30, 2024

To be held in Longview, WA

2025 Nomination

Due 56 Days After Whelp



2025 2nd FORFEIT





For puppies whelped
AFTER Sept 30, 2024

To be held in Virginia Beach, VA

2026 Nomination

Due 56 Days After Whelp