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Celebrating Duals

Dual Champion BronzeJust what is a Dual Champion? Quite simply: It is a dog that is both a champion in the field and a Champion the show ring. This dog has achieved all the requirements as set forth by AKC in both venues.

However, that is where simplicity ends.

It is not easy to become a Dual Champion, and each Dual is the product of great genetics, proper development and an owner dedicated to proving the dog’s worth.

It is one of the most difficult titles to attain in all of dogdom.

Why is the Dual Champion so important?

The Dual Champion holds the title to the bridge between the Field events and the Show events. In the sporting dog world there are very few breeds where owners can compete and win in both the Field and show venues with the same dog. The Dual GSP represents a “single breed” where as many of the other sporting dogs cannot offer the same versatility. This is one of the reasons for the GSP’s popularity in North America.

In 2014 the BOD (Board of Directors) for The German Shorthaired pointer club of America wanted to recognize and reward this fact to the dedicated members who have been awarded this coveted title! The BOD agreed to have a photo and pedigree of the Dual Champion to be published in the Shorthair Journal and the BOD also commissioned an artist to produce a pointing GSP in bronze on a base to be given to all the owners of their Dual Titled dogs! The First 4 Dual Champion bronzes were given to their owners at the 2014 annual Banquet meeting in Oconomowoc, WI. In 2015 there were 8 Dual champions awarded, the most Dual Champions produced in one year in the history of our breed.

The German Shorthaired Pointer Club of America cherishes our Duals and congratulates all the dogs and their owners for their dedication to the Dual Champion!

The GSPCA encourages all the breeders and owners to strive to keep our breed “as one” single intact breed.
Featured below are the Dogs who have obtained this extraordinary title. Our very first Dual Champion GSP was: Rusty v Schwarenberg who was awarded his Dual Title in 1947.

Dual Champion list provided by
Debra Broad
Yearbook Editor

Dog Name Date of CH Date of FC Year of DC
GCH DC Newpoint Thunderstorm BN RN MH CAA DN CGC TKN 11/28/15 1/3/20 2020
GCH DC Ehrenvogel Shots Fired At Elwing SCN SIN VC 5/26/17 3/13/20 2020
DC AFC Dogwoodcreek’s Luck Of The Draw At Cloverhill
2/14/16 9/26/20 2020
DC Bax-Star’s Doc Holiday 7/16/16 9/26/20 2020
GCH DC Windstorm’s Maggie Mae JH 7/2/15 11/13/20 2020
GCH DC AFC Shore Shot’s Keeper Of The Stars MH DS 4/28/18 11/13/20 2020
DC Up N’Adams Happy Motoring JH 8/9/15 11/20/20 2020
GCHB DC Ehrenvogel-Rugerheim’s Pistol Packin Mama 2/5/17 11/20/20 2020
DC Doc’s Handsome Slim Samson 6/3/18 2/22/19 2019
DC Rugerheim Ehrenvogel Before Your Very Eyes 5/25/15 3/15/19 2019
DC Up N’Adam’s Only One Chanel 1/18/16 4/26/19 2019
GCH DC AFC Hubert’s Everywhere I Go Regardless JH CA CGC 8/19/10 5/11/19 2019
DC AFC Nmk’s Crystal Rose To Nv JH 2/7/14 11/9/19 2019
DC Kan-Point’s Summer In The City MH 9/11/14 1/19/18 2018
DC AFC Gemutlich Get To The Point 6/14/14 3/3/18 2018
GCH DC Spitfire Indie 500 SH 8/24/14 3/3/18 2018
DC NAGDC AFC Odyssey’s Saint Rocco 10/11/16 3/3/18 2018
GCH DC Chindi’s Mischief Maker RA MH JHR  10/13/13 5/26/18 2018
DC Bootpoint’s Accomack Bobwhite 6/5/16 6/8/18 2018
DC Still’s Lil’ Joe Von Rugerheim 1/9/16 11/16/18 2018
DC NMK’s Presumed Innocent JH  11/25/12 12/2/17 2017
DC MWM’s Flyin The Coop 7/4/14 10/26/17 2017
GCHS DC Robin Crest DoubleEE Shoot To Thrill MH 8/7/11 12/9/17 2017
DC Wolf Plain Brooks’ Sieben Bieber 5/10/14 9/22/17 2017
GCHG DC Kan-Point’s Summer Lovin’ SH 5/2/15 1/6/17 2017
DC Fieldmaster’s Dark Knight Of Trouble 3/15/14 3/11/17 2017
GDC Windrip’s High Voltage JH 1/19/14 9/8/17 2017
GCH DC Rugerheim’s Katie Boz Prince Lucca 2/2/13 4/8/17 2017
DC Gemutlich Grand Jury 1/30/16 10/7/17 2017
DC Up N’Adam’s Bedazzled 5/18/12 11/18/16 2016
DC Tomcats Princess Pepper 11/10/13 11/11/16 2016
DC Megerin’s Run Run Runaway 8/15/16 2/19/16 2016
DC Rugerheim-Ehrenvogel Zinfandel 8/2/12 9/4/16 2016
DC Snips Lady Mezi 8/5/16 5/22/16 2016
DC Mcshane’s Bringing On Another Chance Hattie JH 5/1/16 7/9/16 2016
DC AFC Honey Run’s Cowboy Poet 7/5/13 4/30/16 2016
DC Silver Bullet’s Latin Dancer SH 1/10/13 3/26/16 2016
DC AFC Friedelsheim’s Freight Train Mason MH 9/20/14 2/20/16 2016
DC AFC Up N’Adam’s Madrone London Cop SH 7/8/11 2/13/16 2016
DC AFC Chocolate Pixie’s Bones JH 8/19/12 12/5/15 2015
DC Madrone Three Ring Circus MH 7/25/10 12/4/15 2015
DC Odyssey’s Twilight Dancer 3/15/12 10/31/15 2015
DC Up N Adam’s Sparks Fly 3/29/15 10/24/15 2015
DC Bax-Star’s Hearts Are Wild MH 8/7/11 9/19/15 2015
DC Hubert’s King Of The World Regardless 10/20/12 6/5/15 2015
DC TC Sageflyer Gorta’s Ranger UDX4 OM6 GO RE MH NA 9/30/12 5/30/15 2015
DC Still’s Storm Chaser Von Rugerheim 7/26/13 5/22/15 2015
DC AFC Yong Gun’s Memories Made 8/30/09 1/24/15 2015
DC AFC Hank Jr’s Rowdy Friends JH 3/4/12 1/15/15 2015
DC Gamble’s Odyssey Blitz SH 7/7/13 1/3/14 2014
DC Zodiaks Desperado From Eagle Ridge SH 4/2/11 5/24/14 2014
DC Gamble’s Benney The Jet SH 8/21/14 3/6/14 2014
DC AFC Von Kasdorf’s Kan U Spare A Dime 3/4/12 8/29/14 2014
DC GCH Bax-Star’s Eat Your Heart Out MH 1/28/11 8/30/14 2014
DC GCH AFC Bax-Star’s Stolen Heart MH 7/3/11 11/21/14 2014
DC Up N’Adam’s-Rugerheim’s Lil Cricket 4/14/13 12/14/14 2014
DC NMK’s Limited First Edition MH 8/22/10 4/12/14 2014
DC Zodiaks Eagle Ridge Sonic Boom 7/6/13 5/2/09 2013
DC Fieldmans Journeyman Jake, SH 11/23/13 4/7/10 2013
DC Gamble’s Midwest Abracadabra, SH 7/14/09 5/26/13 2013
DC AFC GCH Honey Run’s Spittin’ Image, CD MH 3/12/06 4/6/13 2013
DC Up N’Adam’s Silhouette 8/24/12 2/18/11 2012
DC Up N’Adam’s Prairie Wind 7/13/08 4/20/12 2012
DC Rugerheim’s Ruff-N-Ready 5/12/07 8/23/12 2012
DC AFC Odyssey’s Cool-J Callen 11/16/12 3/23/12 2012
DC Fieldmaster’s Looking For Trouble 8/26/11 5/26/12 2012
DC Bella Emma Lue, MH 10/9/11 12/29/10 2012
DC Up N’Adam Margarita U.P., JH 2/24/06 4/1/11 2011
DC NMK’s Heart And Spirit JJJ 4/27/08 2/25/11 2011
DC AFC Edelmarke Heart Of Dixee, MH 4/12/08 8/20/11 2011
DC Chocolate Coffee’s Pixie, JH 12/16/11 9/11/10 2011
DC AFC Up N’Adam’s Point U.P, JH 7/11/10 9/12/08 2010
DC Up N’Adam Cherokee Firewater, SH 8/1/04 10/29/10 2010
DC Snips Midwest Maverick, SH 3/13/10 9/19/08 2010
DC AFC Jaegerhofs Bar E Hot Flash, MH 10/23/06 1/30/10 2010
DC Gambles Sam Man, MH 12/16/10 3/11/10 2010
DC Up N’ Adam’s Beau Jangles, SH 8/1/03 4/3/09 2009
DC Up N’ Adam Cherokee Belle, SH 1/14/07 12/5/09 2009
DC Odyssey’s True Colors 11/3/08 4/4/09 2009
DC NMK’s Schatzi Of Normandi, SH 11/12/06 9/26/09 2009
DC NMK’s Molto Bene, JH 5/27/07 8/22/09 2009
DC AFC Bryson’s Boxa Wendell W Woodbriar, JH 6/2/07 2/21/09 2009
DC AFC Gemutlich Strong Point 8/27/06 3/28/08 2008
DC Jaejerhof’s Rocket Man, JH 2/21/04 4/4/08 2008
DC AFC Tendance Verstohlener Blick, JH 8/27/04 1/25/08 2008
DC Hubert’s Yankee Doodle Dandy, JH OA AXJ 6/20/03 12/5/08 2008
DC AFC Odyssey’s Ein Anfang Fur JJ 6/8/07 3/30/07 2007
DC Lowrys Eagle Ridge V Rugerheim 10/29/05 11/17/07 2007
DC AFC Gamble’s Odyssey Fritz, MH 6/9/07 1/6/06 2007
DC Double Run Cole Bier 11/9/07 12/8/06 2007
DC AFC Odyssey’s First Class Flyer 8/19/06 8/27/05 2006
DC AFC Up N’ Adam’s Case In Point, CD SH 7/12/03 4/21/06 2006
DC Free Flight’s Bosefus 7/30/06 4/29/06 2006
DC AFC Chocolate Mousse’s Feather, JH 1/21/06 4/15/05 2006
DC AFC Chocolate Mousse’s Coffee, MH 12/11/03 2/18/06 2006
DC AFC NGDC Up N’Adam’s Super Sioux,CD MH 9/16/05 6/6/03 2005
DC Up N’Adam’s Laurent, CD, SH 3/1/02 10/30/04 2004
DC Chocolate Mousse’s Freckels, JH 11/15/03 9/25/04 2004
DC Whitesline Obergewehr, CD, JH 6/19/98 5/2/03 2003
DC AFC Odyssey’s Perfection 8/23/03 4/25/03 2003
DC AFC Odyssey Kurzhaars V Riverwood 4/19/02 9/26/03 2003
DC NMK’s Earl of Velvet Horn 5/13/01 5/17/03 2003
DC AFC Knight’s Kodiak Ice 9/6/03 11/16/01 2003
DC Gemutlich You Go Girlfriend, JH 7/13/97 1/17/03 2003
DC Wendig Haus’ Forgon Conclushn, CD MH 1/21/96 12/7/02 2002
DC AFC Up N’Adam’s Florens Louis, CD SH 12/14/02 11/16/02 2002
DC Eagle Ridge Royal Magnitude, MH 9/24/02 9/25/99 2002
DC AFC Jaegerhof’s Justa Countrygirl, CD, MH 10/3/99 8/3/02 2002
DC Fischerheims Zwei Impression, JH 8/10/97 8/23/02 2002
DC AFC Lieblinghgs Odyssey Air Jordan, JH 10/8/99 5/4/02 2002
DC AFC Up N’Adam’s Piper Heidsieck, CD JH 8/2/96 4/7/01 2001
DC AFC Lorien’s Bodacious Babe, MH 12/17/95 2/2/01 2001
DC Windabrae’s Smoking Colt, CD MH 6/22/96 6/10/00 2000
DC Singltrak-NMK American Hero, JH 10/14/93 11/11/00 2000
DC AFC Sam Saint Max, MH 9/7/97 4/8/00 2000
DC ER Berretta Von Rugerheim, MH 10/2/99 2/12/00 2000
DC Cheza Michael Magic Birdog, UDX MH MX MXJ 8/30/96 9/30/00 2000
DC Cherry Creek Rocky 10/21/00 12/19/98 2000
DC AFC Burbach’s Ramblin Rngade 12/3/95 2/13/99 1999
DC Rugerheim Hot Ticket 6/21/96 11/13/99 1999
DC Crossing Creek Heir Apparent 9/4/99 4/24/98 1999
DC AFC Clover Hills Dances With White Dog 5/10/97 12/4/99 1999
DC Shade Mountain Liaison Incognito, CD SH 10/8/94 11/12/99 1999
DC AFC Up N’Adam’s Piper Cherokee, CDX MH 7/19/98 3/20/99 1999
DC Cebourne’s Hotrod Harry 1/24/98 9/24/99 1999
DC Briarwoods B J Mack 9/24/95 4/11/98 1998
DC Trace of Greif von Wildhaven 11/21/92 4/11/98 1998
DC NFC Liebmeister Roll Tide 6/27/98 1/17/97 1998
DC AFC Three Oaks Trent Benndiger, JH 1/4/98 9/13/97 1998
DC AFC Sin City Rock N Roll 10/20/95 10/17/98 1998
DC AFC Gemutlich’s Blazing Walnut 4/8/95 1/30/98 1998
DC AFC Stradivarius Arabesque 11/2/96 9/26/97 1997
DC AFC NMK-RD’s Final Curtain Call, MH 3/10/96 12/6/97 1997
DC AFC Ricochet Triple Terror, SH CD 6/21/97 2/7/97 1997
DC AFC Gemutlich Gone With The Wind, SH 6/12/92 4/12/97 1997
DC Wingshot’s Echo Dan, JH 8/15/92 2/28/97 1997
DC AFC Minado’s Roman Adventure, MH 1/15/94 1/18/97 1997
DC Ziel v. Feinschmecker 8/25/96 12/10/93 1996
DC AFC Bodo Vom Waldrand, MH 9/3/95 1/20/96 1996
DC AFC Stones River Destroyer, MH 4/24/94 1/17/95 1995
DC AFC Sure Shot’s Smok’n Shotgun, MH 8/14/94 12/9/95 1995
DC Palm Glades Sweet Sage 10/29/94 10/6/95 1995
DC NMK’s Shining Star v Rugerheim 7/14/91 11/11/95 1995
DC AFC Up N’Adam, UD, SH 6/17/89 8/26/95 1995
DC NMK’s Whitney v Rugerheim 12/7/91 2/1/95 1995
DC Odyssey’s Saint Blitz, MH 8/22/93 12/10/94 1994
DC NMK Irresistible v Rugerheim 11/9/91 10/15/94 1994
DC Longacre’s Moment in Time 7/6/91 6/18/94 1994
DC Kurzhaar’s Ruger v Haven, SH 4/14/90 4/9/94 1994
DC AFC Lieblinghaus Hunter’s Moon, SH 10/11/89 3/19/94 1994
DC AFC Shill Rests Lasting Impression, SH 12/19/93 11/6/93 1993
DC Rugerheim’s Very Pistol Pete 10/11/91 11/20/93 1993
DC NMK-RD’s Rustic Country Charm, JH 9/29/91 11/13/93 1993
DC NFC Desert Dutch 10/3/93 10/21/91 1993
DC Kingswood Glin Kirk Zanzibar 8/6/87 4/3/93 1993
DC Voglein’s Billy of Sundance 6/30/91 10/16/92 1992
DC Beier’s Misty Blu, JH 4/19/92 8/24/91 1992
DC AFC Trekker V Grunbaum,MH MX AXJ UDX TDX 7/21/90 4/18/92 1992
DC AFC Rusty Spur 4/18/92 8/27/89 1992
DC NMK’s Brittania v Sibelstein 6/22/85 2/15/92 1992
DC AFC Shill Rest’s Cajun Queen, JH 10/14/89 11/2/91 1991
DC Bandit’s Traveling Gypsy 6/22/88 11/16/91 1991
DC AFC Rugerheim’s Little Lord 4/13/91 10/19/91 1991
DC AFC Stradivarius Baroque 1/21/90 10/5/91 1991
DC High Rollin SLD 5/5/91 2/6/88 1991
DC AFC Cebourns Erick of Hustleberg, JH 1/25/87 5/4/91 1991
DC Rugerheim’s Fire Boss 6/9/85 12/22/90 1990
DC AFC Rugerheim’s Ice Breaker 12/2/90 4/15/89 1990
DC Hillhaven’s Sunshine 10/1/84 10/13/90 1990
DC Rugerheim’s Wisner 4/12/90 9/30/89 1989
DC AFC Briarwoods Shillrest Roxie 9/29/89 5/20/89 1989
DC AFC/NFC Liebchen Buddendorff 9/22/88 3/3/84 1988
DC AFC Hidden Hollow’s Classy Sassy 8/6/88 10/2/83 1988
DC AFC Hidden Hollow’s Rowdy Bess 8/12/85 4/23/88 1988
DC Ybold’s Graf von Hainholz 8/10/86 2/20/88 1988
DC AFC Shill Rest’s Impressive, CDX, MH 5/3/86 10/3/87 1987
DC Wil-Lyn’s Sparkling Nugget 8/14/83 2/21/87 1987
DC Rugerheim’s Bit O Bourbon 4/3/83 11/10/86 1986
DC Princess Pepper V 8/16/86 5/25/85 1986
DC The Flying Dutchman v Riptraf 10/19/80 4/19/86 1986
DC AFC Buck v Greif 4/7/85 10/12/85 1985
DC AFC Becky’s Baroness Hightall 7/8/84 3/10/85 1985
DC Moesgaard’s Deejays Derek 2/3/85 10/30/83 1985
DC Ybold Rothenuffien (Germany) 9/25/82 1/5/85 1985
DC Werren’s von Nordhof 11/17/84 3/4/83 1984
DC Timberdoodle Lancer’s Answer 8/4/84 6/4/83 1984
DC Wilkinson’s Yue-He 7/30/84 8/14/82 1984
DC Apocalypse v Greif 6/30/84 5/6/84 1984
DC Goldies Sam v Pecos 2/4/84 3/7/82 1984
DC AFC Lyon’s Holy Smoke 11/20/82 10/16/83 1983
DC AFC B-G’s Jagerhund Gebhard 2/19/78 4/17/83 1983
DC Hillhaven’s Hustler 6/20/81 3/19/83 1983
DC NFC Checkmates Challenger 12/6/81 5/15/82 1982
DC Soc’s One Shot 7/11/82 11/1/81 1982
DC Wolfgang Radloff 8/29/81 3/12/78 1981
DC Checkmates August Dog 6/21/81 10/11/81 1981
DC NFC Ehrlicher Abe 5/19/81 8/23/80 1980
DC J B II 12/13/80 8/19/79 1980
DC Milane Candymans Beau Geste 11/15/80 9/7/80 1980
DC AFC Eden’s Lightning Snapper 6/29/80 11/4/79 1980
DC Eva von Kieckhefer 6/11/77 4/12/80 1980
DC AFC Hidden Hollows Pleasure 4/15/76 10/20/79 1979
DC Rocco’s Diamond Kate von Belle 6/10/79 8/25/79 1979
DC 2X ANFC Bosslady Jodi v Greif 8/11/79 10/1/78 1979
DC Golden West Chucko 5/22/79 2/16/75 1979
DC Treff Marimax vd Wildburg 9/16/78 4/22/79 1979
DC JD Babes Drifting Toby v Greif 8/24/75 3/18/79 1979
DC Ammertal’s Candy Cane 5/27/77 10/7/78 1978
DC Uodibar’s PDQ von Waldtaler 8/31/74 9/17/78 1978
DC Erdenreich’s Marz Marsh 5/12/78 12/12/76 1978
DC Fagon HAAG Von Greif 9/2/73 4/16/78 1978
DC Bar Nuth’n Sandy 6/1/75 4/9/78 1978
DC Schatzi’s Eric von Greif 8/6/72 9/19/76 1976
DC Timbertop Tell 7/28/74 5/30/76 1976
DC Esser’s Duke vd Wildburg 4/25/76 5/23/76 1976
DC Jager Albrecht’s Baron 9/15/73 4/25/76 1976
DC Kerlacres Tell’s Moonbeam 4/3/76 3/15/75 1976
DC AFC Herr Hans of the Barretts 10/11/70 11/16/75 1975
DC AFC Albrecht’s Marta’s Dino 9/18/71 11/2/75 1975
DC Patche Prince James 4/26/75 4/22/74 1975
DC Peter von der Zigeuner 2/23/75 9/27/74 1975
DC NFC Lika Buckskin 7/7/73 9/15/74 1974
DC Erick vom Enzstrand 5/25/74 9/23/73 1974
DC Gruenweg’s Dandy’s Brodie, CDX 5/31/70 4/14/74 1974
DC Eastwind’s TK Rebel 7/13/73 10/7/73 1973
DC AFC Ritzie’s Oranien Rocco 6/18/72 9/23/73 1973
DC Fritz v Trekka Radbach 5/6/73 9/14/69 1973
DC AFC Fritz von der Zigeuner 9/24/67 9/17/72 1972
DC Waldwinkles Painted Lady 7/24/66 5/21/72 1972
DC AFC Ricki Radbach v Greif 4/23/72 3/31/69 1972
DC AFC Dee Tee’s Baschen v Greif 3/28/71 5/16/72 1972
DC AFC Albrecht’s Tena Hy 3/5/66 4/2/72 1972
DC Big Island Sass-A-Frass 3/23/72 4/25/71 1972
DC Eastwind’s TK Dandy 2/15/72 4/27/69 1972
DC Roger’s Hans 11/28/71 4/26/70 1971
DC Dino’s Baroness Marta 5/29/66 10/10/71 1971
DC Dee Tee’s Baron v Greif 9/19/71 9/5/71 1971
DC Frei of Klarbruk, UDT 1/14/66 10/10/70 1970
DC Telstar Direct 10/16/65 9/6/70 1970
DC Timberlane’s Fritz 7/24/70 9/7/67 1970
DC Tip Top Timber 7/12/70 4/6/69 1970
DC Ridgeland’s Frauline 5/17/70 4/6/69 1970
DC AFC Briarwoods Peppermint Patty, CD 9/3/66 10/26/69 1969
DC Gert’s Duro v Greif 9/11/69 9/11/66 1969
DC Fee vd Wildburg 7/27/69 8/30/69 1969
DC Radbach’s Dust Cloud 7/27/69 5/5/68 1969
DC Oxton’s Minado von Brunz 4/21/69 11/26/67 1969
DC Kajobar von Stoney Brook 7/18/67 3/20/69 1969
DC Gert’s Dena v Greif 3/19/67 9/28/68 1968
DC Bo Diddly v Hohen Tann 6/29/68 3/12/67 1968
DC Hurckes Steel Victor 4/4/65 4/14/68 1968
DC Big Island Silver Deuce 3/17/68 4/23/67 1968
DC Cede Mein Dolly der Oranian 9/18/65 10/1/67 1967
DC Hochlandjager’s Titelhalter 9/4/67 9/17/67 1967
DC Blitz von Jaegersliebe 6/30/63 9/17/67 1967
DC Rambling Rock 9/3/67 10/11/64 1967
DC Richlu’s Dan Oranian 3/22/67 9/5/65 1967
DC Arrak von Heisterholz (Germany) 11/20/66 9/15/63 1966
DC Richlou’s Terror 8/22/64 10/23/66 1966
DC Gruenweg’s Dandy Dandy 5/2/64 9/25/66 1966
DC Erdenreich’s Jetta Beckum 6/11/66 3/6/66 1966
DC Ritzie 9/6/64 5/1/66 1966
DC Jamie Greif von Heisteholz 12/5/65 4/17/66 1966
DC Radbach’s Arko 3/27/66 3/29/64 1966
DC Lucy Ball 1/20/66 12/5/65 1966
DC Satan v Schnellberg 12/4/65 11/24/63 1965
DC Kamiak Desert Sand 10/4/64 9/26/65 1965
DC Zipper der Orrian 2/29/64 9/19/65 1965
DC Hewlett Girl Pebbles 8/15/65 9/12/65 1965
DC Fieldacre’s Katia 9/4/60 5/1/65 1965
DC Baron Fritz von Hohen Tann11/25/62 11/25/62 4/25/65 1965
DC Robin Crest Chip, CD, TD 11/2/58 3/28/65 1965
DC Streaks Herbst Versprechen 11/19/61 10/11/64 1964
DC Bee’s Gabby von Beckum 6/14/64 3/31/63 1964
DC Kay v d Wildburg (Canada) 5/23/64 5/17/59 1964
DC Dino von Albrecht 5/26/63 4/19/64 1964
DC Erdenreich’s Eartha 4/7/63 3/22/64 1964
DC NFC Moesgaard’s Dandy 1/13/64 2/18/61 1964
DC Albrecht’s Baron Cid 11/24/63 4/16/61 1963
DC Albrecht’s Baroness Cora 11/3/63 9/23/63 1963
DC Brunnenhugel Jarl 7/27/63 4/1/62 1963
DC Biff Bangabird 3/10/63 10/29/61 1963
DC Brunnenhugel Balder 9/30/62 2/3/63 1963
DC Marmaduke Mein Liebchen 3/30/58 12/2/62 1962
DC Esso vom Enzstrand (Germany) 9/1/58 11/4/62 1962
DC Gustav Mein Liebchen 8/9/59 10/4/62 1962
DC Wag-Ae’s Snowflake, CD 10/14/56 5/13/62 1962
DC Fritz of Hickory Lane Farm 4/10/60 4/29/62 1962
DC Ski-Do’s Bonnie Karin 3/18/62 10/8/61 1962
DC Schone Braut von Greif 6/28/59 10/15/61 1961
DC Miss B’Haven von Winterbauch 2/24/57 9/30/61 1961
DC Woody von Ronberg 6/4/61 9/24/61 1961
DC Dallo v Hesselbach, CD 7/23/61 9/8/61 1961
DC Grousewald’s Blitz 7/2/61 10/9/60 1961
DC Rommell von Rumplestilzchen 6/11/60 5/26/61 1961
DC Alfi von der Krunnenmuhle 11/4/56 4/23/61 1961
DC Big Island Recs 11/9/58 4/23/61 1961
DC Hans v Eldridge, CD 6/1/58 4/16/61 1961
DC Madchen Braut von Greif 9/5/60 12/4/60 1960
DC Able von Eltz 6/12/60 9/18/60 1960
DC Baron von Turn and Taxis 9/18/60 11/2/58 1960
DC Timberlanes Ace 7/14/57 5/6/60 1960
DC Flick v Heidebrink 1/30/60 4/24/60 1960
DC Sager v Gardsburg 2/24/57 4/10/60 1960
DC Lucky Lady v Winterhauch 5/9/59 9/28/58 1959
DC Oxton Bride’s Brunz v Greif 5/31/59 3/22/59 1959
DC Heidie v Marvon 11/6/55 10/19/58 1958
DC Al-Ru’s Erich 6/18/56 10/12/58 1958
DC Oxton’s Lieselotte v Greif 7/17/57 10/12/58 1958
DC Strauss’s Working Boy 3/10/57 9/21/58 1958
DC Gretchen v Greif 2/9/58 3/27/55 1958
DC Gretchen von Suthers 2/24/57 10/3/57 1957
DC Captain v Winterhauch 5/3/53 10/22/57 1957
DC Peter Brunner 5/23/57 10/20/57 1957
DC Jones Hill Fruedruch 10/19/57 3/27/55 1957
DC Kaposia’s Firebird 4/13/57 4/7/57 1957
DC Fritz of Sleepy Hollow 9/25/55 12/4/55 1955
DC Junker v Grabenbruch 5/29/55 10/30/55 1955
DC Trailborn Mike, CDX 8/20/55 9/11/55 1955
DC NFC Wendenheim’s Fritz 6/18/55 9/12/54 1955
DC Riga von Hohen Tann 1/30/55 11/12/54 1955
DC Doktorgaardens Caro (Denmark) 6/13/54 10/2/54 1954
DC NFC Dandy Jim v Feldstrom 12/13/53 9/13/53 1953
DC Big Island Spook 5/17/53 10/11/53 1953
DC Baron v Strauss 8/25/47 9/20/53 1953
DC Valkyrie v Grabenbruch 9/16/51 3/9/52 1952
DC Searching Wind Topper 3/12/50 9/16/51 1951
DC Blick V Grabenbruch 9/9/50 3/11/51 1951
DC Valbo v Schlesburg 8/5/50 4/24/49 1950
DC Schatz v Schwarenberg 8/22/48 10/2/49 1949
DC Rusty v Schwarenberg 7/10/42 10/6/47 1947