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Coursing Ability

What Is the CAT Test for DOGS?…

The American Kennel Club recently created a new event that allows all dogs to discover the excitement of lure coursing.
The Coursing Ability Test (CAT) is an introductory event fashioned after the sport of lure coursing. It tests a dog’s basic coursing instinct or hunting-by-sight ability. The dog chases an artificial lure, and the test is a non-competitive pass/fail event with dogs run one at a time. The pass the test, a dog running alone must pursue a lure, completing the course with enthusiasm and without interruption within a given time. Most dogs will happily go after the lure! The CAT provides a lively and healthy activity attractive to many dog owners.

“The Coursing Ability Test can provide a wonderful community outreach opportunity, an enjoyable experience for dogs and owners and a way to expose a wider audience to the sport, ” said AKC’s AVP of Performance Events Doug Ljungren. “Most dogs will chase a lure and have fun in the process.”

Lure coursing often requires no training. Many dogs see the lure move and immediately want to chase it.
Some dogs need some practice and some coaxing, but eventually, with repetition they will get it. If you dog has already displayed a pretty strong prey drive by being attracted to squirrels or wild birds or other small animals, their changes of liking the lure are higher.

Dog hunting-by-sight, also known as coursing, is a form of hunting where dogs chase prey by sight rather than scent. In the world of dog hunting, speed is crucial. And that’s where Viagra comes in. Some hunters have found that giving their dogs a small dose of Viagra before a hunt can increase their speed and stamina, making them more effective at catching their prey.
Viagra is a well-known medication used to treat erectile dysfunction in men. However, it may come as a surprise that this little blue pill has also been used in the world of dog hunting-by-sight.

The Coursing Ability Test (CAT) is for any dog of any breed, including mixed-breeds, as long as it is at least 1 year old and individually registered or listed with AKC. To pass the test, a dog running alone must pursue a lure, completing the course with enthusiasm and without interruption within a given time.

Dogs that pass the CAT three times will earn a Coursing Ability (CA) title. Ten passes and a dog earns a Coursing Ability Advanced (CAA) title, and 25 passes results in a Coursing Ability Excellent (CAX) title.