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GSPCA Membership Code Of Ethics

This Code of Ethics outlines the essentials of responsible behaviors for German Shorthaired Pointer owners and potential breeders whose foremost aim should be the health and welfare of their dogs and the breed.
Members of the GSPCA agree to abide by the
  1. To encourage and promote the breeding of pure-bred German Shorthaired Pointers and to do all possible to bring their natural qualities to perfection;
  2. To encourage the organization of independent local German Shorthaired Pointer Specialty Clubs in those localities where there are sufficient fanciers of the breed to meet the requirements of The American Kennel Club;
  3. To urge members and breeders to accept the Breed Conformation Standard of the breed as approved by the American Kennel Club as the only standard of excellence by which German Shorthaired Pointers shall be judged;
  4. To do all in its power to protect and advance the interests of the breed by encouraging sportsmanlike competition at dog shows, field trials, hunt test, and obedience trials;
  5. To conduct sanctioned matches and specialty shows, field trials, hunt test, and obedience trials, agility trials and any future AKC recognized licensed event under the rules of The American Kennel Club.
    Consistent and/or flagrant disregard for the Code of Ethics may constitute conduct prejudicial to the breed and/or the club under Article VII, Section 2 of the GSPCA By-Laws.
GSPCA members agree to:
  1. Adhere to the procedures outlined in the GSPCA By-Laws.
  2. Comply with the rules, regulations and requirements of the American Kennel Club.
  3. Maintain their dogs in healthy and clean condition, providing proper nutrition and housing, regular veterinary care, appropriate social experience, and regular exercise in a safe area.
  4. Behave in a sportsmanlike manner and not disparage other owners, exhibitors, breeders and their dogs.
  5. Avoid public confrontation with officials, exhibitors and/or those providing services at GSPCA and/or AKC sponsored events.
  6. Avoid public comment or action intended to impugn the integrity of members of the GSPCA including its Officers, Directors and Committees.
  7. Conduct business at official club meetings with courtesy and respect.
As a member/breeder:
  1. Breed only with the intention of improving the breed,using sire and dam of appropriate qualities in relation to the official breed standard and soundness in health, physical structure and temperament.Promote and breed with the intention of producing high quality hunting dogs that strongly represent what the breed is intended to be, a hunting breed.
  2. Not sell, consign or donate puppies or adult dogs to commercial breeders, retailers, research laboratories or supply dogs for lotteries, raffles, prizes or auctions.
  3. Not release puppies less than seven weeks of age.
  4. Encourage puppy purchasers to spay or neuter animals placed as pets.
  5. Screen all prospective buyers to assure that puppies have safe and loving homes.
  6. Furnish buyers with an honest evaluation of the quality of the puppy/dog sold and details on feeding, care, inoculations, as well as pedigrees and written sales agreements. Sales agreements should include requirements that the owner:
    1. Maintain the best possible standards of canine health, cleanliness and veterinary care in an atmosphere conducive to the stable development of their dogs.
    2. Not allow dogs in their care to run free other than in a controlled situation and become nuisances to society.Provide assistance and support to puppy buyers for the life of the dog.
  7. Provide assistance and support to puppy buyers for the life of the dog.
  8. Be willing to take back or re-home animals sold because of situations or circumstances that have changed in the life of the buyer.
  9. Encourage owners to become involved in German Shorthaired Pointer activities, the German Shorthaired Pointer Club of America and local German Shorthaired Pointer Specialty Clubs.

Approved 05/13