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2025 GSPCA Election

The nominating committee of Denise Avery, Rick Petersen, Christy Hale, Mary Morris and Dominic Pettinato met this week via Zoom and email.

Dominic Pettinato

The slate that the committee unanimously has voted on is as follows:

Office Candidate
President Karen Rooks Nauer | BIO ⇒
Treasurer Dean Browning | BIO ⇒
Corresponding Secretary Lynn Pettinato | BIO ⇒
Southwest Director Dan Schoenfelder | BIO ⇒
North Central Director Jeff Wallace | BIO ⇒
Northeast Director Tiffany Cessna | BIO ⇒


◊ GSPCA Election Procedure – Nominating a candidate from the floor ◊

Per the GSPCA Constitution and By Laws, Article V:

(b) Additional nominations of eligible individual members may be made by written petition addressed to the Recording Secretary and received at his/her regular address on or before March 1st signed by five (5) members and accompanied by the written acceptance of each such additional nominee signifying his willingness to be a candidate. Except for the position of Delegate, no person shall be a candidate for more than one (1) position and the additional nominations which are provided for herein may be made only from among those individual members who have not accepted a nomination of the Nominating Committee.

All Election Results are posted on the Member section

How do I determine which Director serves my region?
[Map of Regions: Member section]

How does a person run for GSPCA office?