The Importance of Our AKC Delegate
What are the unique powers of a Delegate?
- Approves Rules governing dog shows and field trials
- Approves amendments to the AKC Bylaws
- Nominates and elects Delegates to serve on the AKC
Board of Directors & Delegate Standing Committees
- Approves new member clubs
- Votes to uphold or overrule an AKC Board decision to disapprove a Delegate candidate or to remove a seated Delegate
- Only a Delegate may serve on the AKC Board
- Votes to discipline, and even to expel, a Member Club
How do they exercise these powers
- Attends and votes at quarterly Delegate Meetings
- Attends and/or Participates with Delegate Standing Committees
- Brings Member Club’s proposals to the Delegates and/or Delegate Standing Committees
- A Member Club, through its Delegate, may propose amendments to the AKC Bylaws or AKC Rules directly to the AKC Board
- Informs all members of their Member Club of Delegate actions
- Acts as ombudsman for Member Club members dealing with AKC
What are the qualifications for a person to become a Delegate?
Required — Article VI of the AKC Bylaws
- Represents a Member Club
- Both Member Club and individual are in good standing with AKC
- Is a resident US citizen or has permanent resident alien status
Meets all of the occupational eligibility criteria - May not have been found guilty of or admitted to the theft, embezzlement or misappropriation of funds or property from an AKC Club
Suggested — for perspective and continuity
- Ten year involvement in AKC events and/or activities
- Willingness to serve for five years or more
- Willingness to invest time, effort and expenses
- Willingness to speak up and become involved
- Willingness to engage others in crucial conversations
- Access and skills to use a computer or the support of someone with the access and skills
What should a Member Club expect from their Delegate?
- Long term (5 years or more) commitment to represent and serve the Member Club
- Commitment to attend and participate at Delegate Meetings
- A timely report on the actions taken at Delegate Meetings
- Presentation of actions/issues that will come before future Delegate Meetings
- When applicable, vote as directed by the Member Club
What should your Delegate expect from the Member Club?
- Long term appointment as Delegate
- A forum to report on what transpired at Delegate meetings
- Discussion and guidance on forthcoming actions/issues
- Assistance with Delegate expenses to expand who might become Delegates and to maximize their participation
AKC DELEGATE (Appointed)
June Johnston