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Candidate for Treasurer
Dean Browning <treasurer@gspca.org>
I was elected to the Board of the GSPCA in 1996 as a Director for the then Eastern Section. And in 1997, I was elected as Treasurer of GSPCA and (other than a two-year hiatus from 2005 to 2007) I have served in that capacity ever since. In submitting a bio for my re-election, I have always included my wife, Cheryl. Even though she passed away in October I will still reference her as she was an integral part of with life with GSPs since acquiring our first back in 1985. Over the years we have owned 11 GSPs and currently there are 2 that share our house in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Several years after getting our initial Shorthair, we went to our first AKC Pointing Breed Hunt Test and from there we progressed to Field Trials and Shows. We have trained and handled our dogs in field trials, hunting tests and shows, with a modest amount of success to show for our efforts. Over the years, our dogs have earned 11 Junior Hunter titles, 6 Senior Hunter titles, 4 Master Hunter titles, 7 Championships, 2 Field Championship and 1 Amateur Field Championship. And most recently one of our dogs, Josie, became a Grand Champion and our first Dual Champion. In addition to competing, I have judged numerous hunting tests and field trials.
I have belonged to several local GSP clubs in my area, and I have filled positions with those clubs ranging from Director to Field Trial or Hunting Test Chair, to Membership Chair. On the national level, I have chaired the NAGDC, served as chair of the NSS Exec. Committee as well as the onsite chair for several National Specialty Shows. As your Treasurer, I have sought to make sure that the club’s finances were handled in a prudent and professional fashion and that the Board and membership were provided accurate, relevant information in order to make informed decisions about the direction of the club.
Looking to the future, my 2 primary concerns are:
• The decreasing availability of land for performance events (particularly here in the east).
• The increasing level of activity from animal rights fanatics.
My goal in seeking another term as your Treasurer would be to continue the efforts to ensure that the GSPCA remains in a strong financial position to deal with these or any other problems that we could confront over the next 5 to 10 years. I would welcome the opportunity to serve the membership for another term and would appreciate your support.