
Ramblin Witch Hazel F-ROMX

FC Dixieland’s Rusty x FC/AFC Willoway Deejay’s Jessie

Breeder: Theresa Walsh
Owner: Stephen Short

Dam of 9 Field/Amateur Field Champions

Sired by: FC Checkmate’s Dude’s Big Foot
FC Hadlocks Academy Award

Sired by: FC Chukar Mountin’mort
NAFC FC/AFC Dunfurs Morticia
FC/AFC Seamus Ravenheart of Tongas

Sired by: Radback’s Gustav
FC/AFC PFK Dunfur Icarumbah

Sired by: FC Chukar Mountin’mort
FC PFK Dunfur Anastasia
FC Dufurs Ridge Raker Raski